We currently provide data on Google Shopping (google_shopping) for 37 countries. The data includes offers, products, product specs, reviews, and search results.

Supported countries:

  • Africa: South Africa (za)
  • Americas: Brazil (br), Canada (ca), Mexico (mx), and United States (us)
  • Asia: Hong Kong (hk), India (in), Japan (jp), Korea (Republic of) (kr), Singapore (sg), Turkey (tr), and United Arab Emirates (ae)
  • Europe: Austria (at), Belgium (be), Czechia (cz), Denmark (dk), Finland (fi), France (fr), Germany (de), Greece (gr), Hungary (hu), Ireland (ie), Italy (it), Netherlands (nl), Norway (no), Poland (pl), Portugal (pt), Romania (ro), Russian Federation (ru), Slovakia (sk), Spain (es), Sweden (se), Switzerland (ch), Ukraine (ua), and United Kingdom (gb)
  • Oceania: Australia (au) and New Zealand (nz)

Supported topics:

Jump to: offers, product, product_and_offers, product_specs, reviews, search_results

Topic offers

Supported key:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 11439103407659839974
          - 16488583829101110384
          - 3958720122321812215
          - 9629600374284049808 

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 1200 = 20 hours)
  • max_pages (default 1)
  • sort_by (default ranking_descending)
  • condition (default any)
  • shipping (default any)

Topic product

Supported key:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 10537759399520717778
          - 409382351075348383
          - 10537759399520717778

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 43200 = 30 days)

Topic product_and_offers


  • Due to Google Shopping changes (End of 2023), search results for gtins are inconsistent and not reliable. Therefore we have recently begun to ignore the given max_age parameter for the search_results subtopic of product_and_offers (key: GTIN) as we cannot retrieve new / valid information from Google Shopping Search Results on the go.
  • Furthermore Price API will look for the last valid/found GTIN -> Product_ID matches in our database and use that Product_ID.

Supported keys:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 10537759399520717778
          - 409382351075348383
          - 10537759399520717778
  • term
    Samples values are as follows:

          - KPM Leuchten 10012-1-45
          - iphone 13 128GB Silver
          - Super Mario World
          - dot-spot 42000.35.55
  • gtin
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 4001967047745
          - 4000158913043
          - 4001967022032
          - 4001967151985

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 1200 = 20 hours)
  • max_pages (default 1)
  • sort_by (default ranking_descending)
  • condition (default any)
  • shipping (default any)

Topic product_specs

Supported key:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 1486762053208079216
          - 13866443303046468565
          - 14389903822767628761
          - 15822114156836167438

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 43200 = 30 days)

Topic reviews

Supported key:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 10537759399520717778
          - 409382351075348383
          - 10537759399520717778

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 10080 = 7 days)
  • max_pages (default 1)

Topic search_results


  • Due to Google Shopping changes (End of 2023), search results for gtins are inconsistent and not reliable. Therefore we have recently begun to give an error for search_results (key: GTIN) as we cannot guarantee data quality.

Supported keys:

  • term
    Samples values are as follows:

          - Autoradio
          - Babyflaschen
          - MacBook add m1 512GB
  • gtin

Note: 'The ids in the `search_results` topic may not always be valid, particularly when the type is set to `offer`,and cannot be relied upon when making requests to the `product_and_offers` or `offers` topics and that might result in an invalid value error.'

Samples values are as follows:

        - 4001967047745
        - 4000158913043
        - 4001967022032
        - 4001967151985

view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 43200 = 30 days)
  • max_pages (default 1)
  • sort_by (default ranking_descending)
  • condition (default any)
  • min_price (omitted by default)
  • max_price (omitted by default)