
Source available on request

This source can be added to your account by our support team on request.

We currently provide data on Amazon (amazon) for 15 countries. The data includes bestsellers, offers, products, reviews, search results, and shops.

Supported countries:

  • Americas: Canada (ca), Mexico (mx), and United States (us)
  • Asia: India (in), Japan (jp), and United Arab Emirates (ae)
  • Europe: France (fr), Germany (de), Italy (it), Netherlands (nl), Poland (pl), Spain (es), Sweden (se), and United Kingdom (gb)
  • Oceania: Australia (au)

Supported topics:

Jump to: bestsellers, offers, product, product_and_offers, reviews, search_results, shop

Topic bestsellers

Supported key:

  • id
Note: we use category_id for this topic as we want to know top 100 products in a particular category.

Samples values are as follows:

        - root ( when you want to get a list of all IDs)
        - jewelry
        - jewelry/10459534031 ( one of the sub-category of jewelry)
        - digital-text
        - 22477296031 ( you can also use number part of sub-category to request)
        - You can get these IDs either by requesting this topic with root value or getting it from the url.

view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 10080 = 7 days)
  • max_pages (default 1)

Topic offers

Supported key:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 386882670X
          - B008KJN2CQ
          - B003OC33DC

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 1200 = 20 hours)
  • max_pages (default 1)
  • condition (default any)
  • location (omitted by default, supported values are supported country codes for amazon as well as AT and CH)

Topic product

Supported key:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - B01GG2EUWO
          - B003UVELA6
          - B08M68ZWQX
          - B07XGLWH48

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 43200 = 30 days)
  • condition (default any)
  • location (omitted by default, supported values are supported country codes for amazon as well as AT and CH)

Topic product_and_offers

Supported keys:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - B01GG2EUWO
          - B003UVELA6
          - B08M68ZWQX
          - B07XGLWH48
  • gtin
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 0039000014441
          - 8806085086234
          - 0043859629251
          - 9020400112319
  • asin
    Samples values are as follows:

          - B01GG2EUWO
          - B003UVELA6
          - B08M68ZWQX
          - B07XGLWH48
  • term
    Samples values are as follows:

          - iphone 13 128GB Silver
          - iphone 13 128GB Black
          - beats solo 3 wireless headphones
          - battery for iphone 13

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 1200 = 20 hours)
  • max_pages (default 1)
  • condition (default new)
  • location (omitted by default)

Topic reviews

Supported key:

  • id
    Samples values are as follows:

          - B01GG2EUWO
          - B003UVELA6
          - B08M68ZWQX
          - B07XGLWH48

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 10080 = 7 days)
  • max_pages (default 1)
  • sort_by (default relevance_descending)
  • location (omitted by default, supported values are supported country codes for amazon as well as AT and CH)

Topic search_results

Supported keys:

  • gtin
    Samples values are as follows:

          - 0039000014441
          - 8806085086234
          - 0043859629251
          - 9020400112319
  • asin
    Samples values are as follows:

          - B08M68ZWQX
          - B07XGLWH48
          - B01GG2EUWO
          - B003UVELA6
  • term
    Samples values are as follows:

          - iphone 13 128GB Silver
          - bissell crosswave
          - KPM Leuchten 10012-1-45
          - bissel

    view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 43200 = 30 days)
  • max_pages (default 1)
  • category_id (omitted by default)
  • sort_by (default relevance_descending)
  • brand (omitted by default)
  • seller_id (omitted by default)
  • min_price (omitted by default)
  • max_price (omitted by default)
  • location (omitted by default)

Topic shop

Supported key:

  • id
Note: This topic gives more information for a particular shop. Id used here is shop_id.

Samples values are as follows:

        - AP97GZVSB1Q94
        - A17D2BRD4YMT0X

view sample results

Supported parameters:

  • max_age (default 525960 = 1 year)